Remember your ancestors,

Reconnect with the land,

Regenerate your life.

The Art of…

I believe that the creative impulse that exists within each of us is vitally important for collective wellbeing.

This is why this course holds explicit and enthusiastic space for your creativity to be explored and expressed.

This doesn’t need to look like conventional art, but it can.

Your life itself is the art, and I believe we can make Sacred Art of our lives, together.

Regenerative Living

is about existing in right relationship with the larger wholes you are nested within. This is why we will explore your greater context in time (ancestors) and place (land).

Regenerative living is also about working with what is degraded, dying, or unwell, and finding pathways for new life and vitality to be nurtured from that compost. This is why we will explore the shadows and traumas held within our bodies and the lands we love, to open new pathways for collective thriving.

Designed to be powerfully supportive

of your own life.

  • A course that approaches regenerative living that is rooted in both theory and practice.

  • A creative studio for those of us who could use supportive space to cultivate our art (in the most expansive sense of the word).

  • A ritual incubator for creative development of authentic rituals to root you more deeply to who you are in space and time.

  • A circle of wise peers engaged in meaningful questions, creativity, and self-discovery together.

A supportive container for discovering what you came here to do.

this may be for you if:

  • The idea and ethos of regeneration has been showing up for you and you are looking to go deeper.

  • Life is asking you to slow down and take in the joy and beauty of everyday life with more presence.

  • You are ready to attune to the rhythms of your body and the earth.

  • You are calling in a deeper relationship with your ancestors and / or the lands that you love.

  • You want to deepen or begin a creative practice.

  • The idea of being a part of a collective wisdom circle brings curiosity, excitement, or aliveness to you.

  • You want to live and embody your love for the earth in a deep and lasting way.

this may not be for you if:

  • You believe that success requires conforming to dominant models of productivity and striving.

  • You are unwilling to bear witness to the painful and shadow sides of your ancestry and the lands you love.

  • You aren’t interested in accessing your own creativity

  • You have no interest in the collective wisdom that arises from a group of aligned peers

  • You are in a phase of life in which you are hyper-focused on one precise goal and feel you need to have more hustle than flow, be more active than open. (Full respect for those phases of life, and we invite you to learn more about The EDGE)

The Arc of the Three Months

  • Phase 1: Remember

    Embracing Roots and Shadows

    In this initial phase, we dive deep into the roots that made our own lives possible.

    Through creative practice, we'll engage with both the light and shadows of our heritage, seeking to understand how these elements have shaped us.

    This journey of remembering is about honoring where we come from, acknowledging the wisdom and the wounds, and setting the stage for healing and transformation.

    Creative Processes: Excavating the ancestral lineages that made your life possible, exploring your own "ancestor aesthetic", meditations that connect you with your ancestors through deep time, and cultivating rituals of ancestral connection that are deeply authentic to you.

  • Phase 2: Reconnect

    Embodying Interdependence

    This phase invites us to reconnect with the land and community, observing the natural cycles that govern life.

    By engaging directly with the ecosystems around us, we come to understand our place within the larger web of existence.

    Through creative exploration, we'll witness the beauty of growth and the necessity of decay in both the natural world and our personal lives, fostering a deep appreciation and connection to the Earth.

    Creative Processes: Sensory explorations to deepen your connection with the land, creative mapping of your local ecosystem to visualize the interconnectedness of life, and art projects that reflect the cycles of growth and decay observed in nature and within.

  • Phase 3: Regenerate

    Cultivating New Life from Entropy

    In the final phase, we focus on the transformative power of regeneration, applying the lessons learned from observing natural cycles to our own lives.

    Through deliberate creative action, we envision and implement practices that nurture new growth, both personally and within our communities.

    Creative Processes: Creative Visualizations to make a regenerative future for all life more real, creative projects that materialize your vision, and collaborative efforts to enact community-based regeneration initiatives.

    Ends with a celebratory ritual that marks the cycles of renewal in your own life.

Hi, I’m Ganga.

I have been experimenting with regenerative living and regenerative practice for more than a decade, long before I knew that the regenerative movement was even happening outside my own life. I first taught this course in 2020 to a cohort of remarkable people whose wisdom and creativity blew me away. The ongoing transformation, creativity, and resilience in each participants life continues to bring me awe.

Since then, I’ve personally been through many life and career initiations; becoming a mother, and growing my professional capacity as a regenerative practitioner and consultant. As life’s changes continue to unfold, I am excited and honored to offer this course again.

& I’m excited to get to know the brilliant, creative, rooted sides of the people who join me this time.


This is the only 12-week EMUNAH course that is less than $1200.

We understand that one significant barrier for many people answering the call to a more grounded, regenerative, artful way of life is financial constraints. It's important to us that this course is accessible to those who feel a deep commitment to the earth and their own well-being.

Our business model is designed to be regenerative at its core, integrating our values directly into our practices. This approach allows us to offer this course at a reduced rate for everyone, in addition to the multiple options for zero-interest payment plans we always offer.

Standard Rate


Full 12-Week Course

Member Rate


Full 12-Week Course

Registration rate extends to your
Member Family // Family Members

If you require an extended payment plan, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we’ll make an arrangement that works for us all.

If you feel called to sponsor a position for a participant who may need further financial assistance, please reach out.

The earth, your ancestors, and your body have messages to express through you.

Are you ready to tune in?